On This Episode of Bill O'Reilly...

On Monday's, October 3, 2016 episode of THE FACTOR, host Bill O'Reilly is finding it hard to support the Republican candidate. But he still tries.

This episode is particularly interesting considering the bombshell NYT story from last Friday - 3 days ago - discussing the leaked three pages of Donald Trump's 1995 tax returns.

Of course O'Reilly does no original reporting and simply commentates on the news. However, the house of Papa Bear is falling in around him.

In the first segment, Charles Krauthammer essentially (but not expressly) is siding with the Clinton camp. For Krauthammer, and most politicos, Trump's refusal to release his tax returns is practically disqualifying. But Trump support continues to defy logic.

But in the second segment, I got pissed off enough to write my first blog post in years.

In segment two, we find Bill's long time Robyn Leach-like British lad, fuck I don't know his name, and I don't really care enough to scroll through the video to find out. Fuck it. 

First thing I read this morning was the NYT editorial column (I know, pathetic, right?). But the column mentioned something interesting about the leaked Trump tax returns.

Trump filed a loss that year of $900 million. A law allows him to withhold paying federal income taxes for up to 18 years. Apparently, this law applies only to real estate companies.

HOWEVER, on O'Reilly, fuck face McGee says that he did the same thing as Trump. He says it while saying (or heavily implying) at the same time that ANYONE can use this loophole.

But according to the Times story, only real estate developers may use it. Not doctors, lawyers, etc.

I did not get past segment three. You're welcome.

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